Cash and credit card gifts
An outright gift of cash and/or property to a registered charity entitles the donor to a charitable tax receipt. Although the federal tax credit for donations is the same, the amount you receive back on your taxes is different for each province. If you contribute to your parish every week, you are entitled to a charitable receipt as a result of your support for the church. Using envelopes and claiming your tax credit can add up.
Many married couples don’t consider that the federal tax credit jumps to 29% from 15% when you give more than $200 a year. So, don’t split the receipts – share them!
Also, if you give more than usually in any one year, you can carry over charitable credits for five years. A good financial advisor, tax planner or accountant can help you maximize every dollar you give away – they cost less than you think and will save more than you expect.
Gifts from a business
Gifts from a business can be made to support your parish or your favourite archdiocesan charity and can qualify for tax deductions.
Tribute gifts
We are assisting groups and individuals making a gift to honour, remember or recognize someone with a charitable gift to a parish or an archdiocesan charity.
More and more people are making charitable donations in lieu of gifts for Christmas, birthdays and anniversaries.
It is important to recognize the power of tribute giving as part of an estate plan. Family members are often too distraught to consider the wishes of the deceased and don't choose any charity at all when printing the obituary. By including your wish list in your estate plan, it could mean life changing gifts in your memory to a charity you love!
Gifts in kind (personal property)
Gifts in kind can be as simple as small collections (stamps and coins) or items such as art, musical instruments and real estate. You can donate a car, jewellery, a collection that would be liquidated to serve as your parish offertory gift.
Some parishioners are also considering gifting air miles, points from credit cards and affinity programs. Call us for more information
Contact us
Peter Okonski |
Michael Penafiel Development Coordinator 416-934-3400 ext. 561 |
All calls are strictly confidential. There is no fee for this service.